

Salem’s Light supports local and state legislation to protect outdoor dogs and companion animals in general.

As a Virginia resident and registered voter, you too can make a difference in the future of animal welfare legislation. There are routinely a number of proposed bills in the General Assembly that can greatly impact the lives of Virginia’s animals - both positively and negatively. By familiarizing yourself with the proposed bills and identifying and contacting your legislator(s), you can make your voice - and the causes you are passionate about - heard.

If you would like to stay updated on proposed legislation, we recommend following Humane Dominion. Humane Dominion is the only political action committee (PAC) dedicated to making Virginia a safer, more humane place for animals. Their efforts include:

  • Providing important updates on legislative issues that matter to Virginia’s animals;

  • Endorsing candidates who have proven to be compassionate to animals;

  • Highlighting how Virginia legislators voted on animal related issues; and

  • Advocating for legislation that provides strengthened protections for animals.